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Artists living in Paris

Eva Ordóñez

Dancer - Professor Researcher


Founder of this platform, I worked with several ballet companies as a dancer as well as a choreographer assistant, especially with the Ballet Alba


I offer private lessons of flamenco dance for all levels. I'm working on castanets and technical handling accessories such as fan, shawl and bata de cola. I also organize courses discovery.


I have obtained a PhD in Music History and Musicology at the University of the Sorbonne. My main area of expertise is the analysis of flamenco dance. I design conferencies about flamenco according to any kind of audience. As a professionnal researcher, I participate in international congresses as the Universié of Guadalajara, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Caen, the University of Seville... I am currently the Coordinator of the Module Flamenco Dance in the Master in Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis about Flamenco in the UNIA, the International University of Andalusia.


Along with all this, I realize activities related to communication training.

Félix Calvarro

Dancer - Choreographer - Researcher


He has created works such  España es así, El amor brujo, Zarzuela Flamenco...


He currently teaches flamenco dance at the MJC of Viry-Chatillon, Saturday from 9am to 12pm. He also gives private lessons at home and in dance studios.


Having obtained a Masters degree in Dance from the University of Paris 8 Saint-Denis, he also offers conferences adapted to all kind of audiences: amateur, geek, kids, teens, adults.

Jesús Carceller

Guitar player and Singer


His sense of celebration will leave a lasting memory of your evenings. Very attentive to the request of the audience, he adapt his repertoire. Knowing both the purest flamenco, Latin music and gypsy repertoire, not to mention the background music.


He currently teaches flamenco guitar and singing at the MJC  of Pontault-Combault, Wednesdays from 17h to 21h. He also gives private lessons at home.






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